KANG Monthly Meetings
- February 18 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
CHH Spinners
- February 18 @ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Executive Board Q3 Mtg
- February 20 @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)
- February 24 @ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Knitters Night Out West (KNOW)
Texas Fiber Events
- March 28 - March 29
East Texas Fiber Festival – Canton, TX
- April 25 - April 26
Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta – Seguin, TX
- September 19 - September 21
DFW Fiber Fest – Irving, TX
Membership renewals begin in July and can be paid anytime through the beginning of August. We continue to accept new membership year-round! Please select a "home chapter", but feel free to attend any meeting from any chapter each month!
Click Join the Guild to either pay online or download a membership form.
Local Yarn Stores
New to the area or just looking for a local yarn shop to visit?
Click below to see various vendors with a slew of products, yarn, notions, patterns, events, & more!
- Craftique Studio - www.craftiquestudio.shop
- Joyfully Stranded - Joyfully Stranded | Facebook
- Kani Kettu Nordic Yarn - https://kanikettu.com/
- Merribee Needlearts - www.merribee.com
- Mohair & More- www.mohairandmore.com
- Nancy's Knits - www.nancys-knits.com
- Nimblefingers - www.nimblefingerstx.com
- Park Avenue Yarns - www.parkavenueyarns.com
- Strings & Things - Strings and Things | Facebook
- The Modern Skein - www.themodernskein.com
- The Social Knitwork - www.thesocialknitworkots.com
- Yarn Store Boutique - www.yarnstoreboutique.com
Did you know that KANG is an affiliate of The Knitting Guild Association? TKGA offers many courses and certifications. Other resources are available if you join the organization for $25/year.
Support KANG by shopping with our sponsors!
The Woolery
The Knit at Night Guild is now a member of The Woolery's "Guild Rewards Program". Our members can support KANG just by shopping at the Woolery. Use the special link in the Members Only section of this website and it will take you to the Woolery's site. Place your order as usual. They will keep track of how much our members spend and send us an annual cash reward.
Land's End KANG Merchandise
You asked, and we listened. You can now order clothing and other items from Land’s End and have them embroidered with the official KANG logo.