From the President – Jul 2023

Although the summer has only begun, these temperatures have been scorching as of late! This makes working on some projects a bit challenging (yes, looking at you, worsted weight yarn and unfinished poncho).
Despite the heat, we had a wonderful turnout at the Houston Fiber Fest at the end of last month!! Were you able to attend? Did you take any of the classes? What goodies have joined your stash? For me, I acquired a few new project bags (you can never have too many!!) and mini skeins caught my eye at this festival! There were so many amazing people who have created such amazing pieces of work! I am feeling motivated to cast-on something new and am looking forward to seeing what everyone will share at their next chapter meeting!!
With so many beautiful projects and program samples on display, there was no shortage of conversations at the KANG table. I was surprised at how popular the needle felted kitties were amongst the crowd! I enjoyed meeting and talking with many of you throughout the weekend! To all who joined as new members during the event: WELCOME! For those renewing: WELCOME BACK! Meanwhile, for all the others: don’t forget to renew your membership😊 The new KANG year starts August 1st and membership can be paid in-person or mailed via check or online via PayPal or credit card! Invite your friends and family along too! Again, we have five chapters across the greater Houston area. That’s five places to meet deliberately and share knowledge and wonderful programs monthly!!
Now that it is July, has anyone started their “Christmas in July” projects? Not yet? Me neither! For some motivation, the KIK chapter will have a program this month to help us along! Meanwhile, I have continued my year-long “Building with Lace” project by Michelle Hunter. In the fifth panel, I am not sure why adding beads to knitting has intimidated me for so long. Adding them to this panel was actually quite simple. This month’s panel focuses on a “smocking stitch”, something completely new to me. I’ll update on this panel next month!
Have a fun and safe 4th of July!
Lauren Levy
KANG President