Archives: Events

CHIX Mtg – Yarn Pooling

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

Sandy Zeringue, formerly of Knitting in the Loop, will be doing a presentation on yarn pooling. You may bring your own yarn for her to look at. Don't bring Noro yarns, the runs are too long. No gradation or speckled yarns either. Bring your sample blocks from last month's shadow/illusion for show and tell, there is […]

CHIX Mtg – All About Schematics

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

Schematics are your friend. Come and understand why they are important. Let's explore how one can make an entire project with a complete schematic. This is good for both knitting and crochet. Bring your pooling project for money bucks.

CHIX Mtg – August 2017

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

HOMEWORK: Make four small swatches using smooth, light colored yarn.  It is easiest to see with worsted weight yarn, but any weight yarn and appropriate needles will work.  Wet block them so the edges lay flat.   Swatches 1 and 2:Cast on 6 stitches, leaving a 10" tail.  Work 16 rows in stockinette stitch, then work 16 […]

CHIX Mtg – Joining Yarn

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

Cindi Thiel will demonstrate different ways of joining yarns.

CHIX Mtg – Matching Cast-Ons & Bind-Offs

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

Sue Werner will do a program on matching cast ons and bind offs.Click Here to find the handout from this program.  

CHIX Mtg – Two-Color Brioche

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

Judith Gerst will teach us how to do two-color brioche.

CHIX Mtg – Buttonholes

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

At January's meeting we will learn how to make sturdy, neat buttonholes.  For homework, using a light-colored DK or worsted weight yarn, cast on 12 stitches and knit 4 rows.  Don't bind off, just leave your stitches on the needle.

CHIX Mtg – One-Skein Projects

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

Due to a scheduling conflict, our February meeting has been changed to the One-Skein Project we talked about at the December party.  In case you missed the last couple meetings, here are the details.Either knit a small project using a single skein of yarn or look through the projects you already have finished and pick […]

CHIX Mtg – Knit One Below

Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX, United States

If you like brioche stitch, the knit-one-below stitch (K1B) achieves a similar effect but involves no yarn overs,  burps or barks.   All you need to know is how to knit and purl.   You can create a dense brioche-like texture with a single color or columns of 2-colors in stockinette. HOMEWORK:For the first sample, you […]