Knitters Night in Town (KNIT)
CHANGE OF ADDRESS!! Our Annual Holiday Party will be held at the home of Karen Fern. Please bring an item for a Secret Gift Exchange — Yarn only— wrapped any way your inspiration takes you. Please bring a dish to share; beverages will be provided. KNIT Chapter members will be sent the address. If you […]
Saturday Cypress Knitters (SoCK)
Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center 8440 Greenhouse Rd, Cypress, TX, United StatesJoin the SoCK group for our annual holiday party. Formulate your gift-stealing strategy for our White Elephant Gift Exchange Game. Bring a $20-25 wrapped gift without any name tag (stash dive if you want). The gift should be related to or themed after knit/crochet/yarn, etc. Participation in the White Elephant is optional, but it’s a […]
Knitters Night Out West (KNOW)
Spring Creek Barbeque 21000 Katy Fwy, Katy, TX, United StatesCHANGE OF DATE!! The KNOW chapter will be having our annual holiday party early. We will meet Monday, December 16th at 6:30 pm at Spring Creek BBQ. There will be finger foods and everyone is encouraged to bring a sweet or savory holiday treat. We will be doing a gift exchange/party game. For those who want […]
CHH Spinners
Guild House 1425 Blalock, #202, Houston, TX, United StatesThe Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10-12 am, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor. If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our […]
Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)
Bayland Community Center 6400 Bissonnet, Houston, TX, United StatesAt our December meeting, Valarie Nicholson will lead the group in making Gnome ornaments using scrap yarn. Supplies members will need include: Toilet paper roll marked in 1-inch segments, to be cut into circles Worsted weight yarn cut into approximately 12-inch pieces (60), color of your choice. Worsted weight yarn for beard Darning needles Valarie […]
Knitting in Kingwood (KIK)
Kingwood Country Club 1700 Lake Kingwood Trail, Kingwood, TX, United StatesPlease join us to visit and knit! Contact our chapter president for more information about this month's program.
CHH Spinners
Guild House 1425 Blalock, #202, Houston, TX, United StatesThe Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm. Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor. If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild. […]
Saturday Cypress Knitters (SoCK)
Windwood Presbyterian Church 10555 Spring Cypress Rd, Houston, TXDIFFERENT LOCATION!! Are you a thrower, picker, or flicker knitter? Learn about the different styles and their uses. You’ll also get an introduction to backward knitting and double knitting. We'll try different styles, so bring a cast-on swatch for practicing.
Knitters Night in Town (KNIT)
Trini Mendenhall Community Center 1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX, United StatesOur meeting this month will be led by Member Jamie Cochran. Jamie will demonstrate some basic crochet techniques for knitters. For homework, please KNIT a square, any pattern, using an ODD number of stitches and rows. This square should be at least 4x4”. Any previously made swatch or dishcloth can be used but must have […]
Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)
Bayland Community Center 6400 Bissonnet, Houston, TX, United StatesTIME CHANGE!! We will be kicking off the New Year with donations to Star of Hope. Please bring a charity knit and/or small toiletries. We are also going to have a potluck; Valarie Nicholson will be sending out an email closer to the date so that you can sign up to bring goodies to share. We […]