Category: bulletin board

July 2022 Programs

KIK – Afterthought Sock Heel
KIND – Vacay Social
KNIT – Bead Knitting
KNOW – KAL “Multi-directional Diagonal Scarf”
SoCK – Needle Felting

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

June 2022 Programs

KIK – My Favorite Shawl
KIND – Sock Clinic
KNIT – KAL “Multi-directional Diagonal Scarf”
KNOW – Intro to Crewel Embroidery
SoCK – Yarn Dyeing with Kool-Aid

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

May 2022 Programs

KIK – Knitting Jewelry
KIND – Making Dryer Balls
KNIT – Sock Inception
KNOW – Celebration of Charity Knitting
SoCK – Flower Stitches

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

April 2022 Programs

KIK – Easter Basket Parade
KIND – Knitting Jewelry
KNIT – Yarn Substitutions
KNOW – Summer Tops
SoCK – Yarn Pooling vs. Assigned Pooling

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

March 2022 Programs

KIK – Baskets & Bowls
KIND – Knitting Websites
KNIT – Tips For Newbies
KNOW – Familiar Stitch Patterns (Pt. 2)
SoCK – Knitting Through the British Isles

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

February 2022 Programs

KIK – Broomstick Lace
KIND – “Swift” Magic
KNIT – Mattress Stitch
KNOW – Familiar Stitch Patterns (Pt. 1)
SoCK – Knitting Ergonomics

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

January 2022 Programs

KIK – Yarn Mysteries
KIND – Duplicate Knitting
KNIT – All About Charts
KNOW – Slip Stitch Edge
SoCK – Double Knitting

For more information regarding the latest chapter programs, please visit our CALENDAR page! Here you will find exact dates for upcoming guild chapter meetings, including full program descriptions for each meeting.

On the Calendar page you will also find various guild-wide events (charity knit-ins, affiliate sales and the like) and up-coming events in the yarn community / Houston area (FiberFests, conventions, etc.).

Please visit the KANG Chapters page to find your nearest chapter. 

Woolery guild rewards

Support KANG by shopping at the Woolery! We have been approved to participate in the Woolery’s Guild Rewards Program. Our members can support KANG just by shopping at the Woolery. Click on the image and it will take you to the Woolery’s website. Place your order as usual. They will keep track of how much our members spend and send us an annual cash reward.

  • You must be a current guild member for your sales to count.
  • In order for the sales to be registered to us, you must use the special link on this page. We will not get credit for the sale if you simply go to their website.


Land’s End KANG merchandise

You asked, and we listened. You can now order clothing and other items from Land’s End and have them embroidered with the official KANG logo. Just go to and create your own account. Once you have an account, you can add the logo to your library within “account information”. The Customer Number is 6006634, and the Logo Number is 1281587.

The original logo is blue (like the KANG wallets), but you can change the color to coordinate with your shirt at no cost. The logo is about 2-1/2″ x 2-1/4″. It’s the same one we used when we ordered denim shirts a few years ago. Now everyone can order the style they like best, and get it shipped right to your door! Enjoy!