Hello Charity Knitters!
March has been a month of collecting for the charity committee. First, we were contacted by a person whose Houston-based relative passed away and left 3 large boxes of yarn and a pile of knitting, crochet, and rug making tools. The Charity yarn stock/suitcase has been refilled with some fabulous yarns; some skeins still in their wrappers. The tools are heading to a fiber art club at a local school!
At the knitting retreat, Sarah and Marie collected another 10-15 lbs of charity knit items. Our stock of completed items was very low, so this is much needed in the event that we get a call from an organization looking for handmade items. KIK chapter, do you want your fabulous IKEA bag back?
The KNOW (Knitters Out West) Chapter will be sponsoring the next Charity event. They will be making Knitted Knockers. Come on out and work with the KNOW chapter to create knockers for breast cancer survivors. Approved knocker yarn is available but if you want to bring your own, check the website (link above and see the Charity section of the website). The Knitted Knockers organization is very particular about which yarn is used for knockers.
When: April 29th 1-4 PM
Where: Spring Creek BBQ on I-10 and Westgreen
What to bring: your knitting tools and your appetite and a couple of bucks (if you want to come early or stay late and support our hosts, Spring Creek BBQ)
Charity silent auction:
We received a small collection of Chinese yarns from the donation earlier this month. We’d like to auction the collection. Proceeds will go to KANG offsetting money we have used to send boxes of charity items to the Ukraine these past 12 months. The yarn will be available for you to look at and touch at the Knitted Knocker event on the 29th; images will also be posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts on the same date. Bidding will Open 29 April and close 5 May. Winner will be notified by email and announced on Facebook and Instagram; and in our May/June Newsletter.
If you want to bid, please submit your amount to the charity email account: knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com .
Please set the email subject to: “Silent Auction Bid”
*Note: If you would like your name to remain anonymous on our social media sites, please indicate that in your bid email.
Happy Knitting (and CROCHET!)
Sarah Hartman & Marie Knappenberger
Charity Co-chairs
Questions: email us knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com