Hello Knitters (and Crocheters/hookers) from your charity co-chairs.
First, we would like to congratulate everyone. We partnered with the Eastern Star organization and the local Robin Hood organization and delivered blankets, hats and scarves to homeless right here in downtown Houston. Eastern Star and Robin Hood posted their thanks for our hard work.
Between November and December, Knit at Night Guild has donated 10 blankets, 3 dozen scarves, and 7 dozen hats to the Robin Hood organization.
For those interested, click on the link to the left for a 5 min. YouTube video that the Robin Hood organization put together.
Our next charity knit-together will be in February. Stay tuned to Facebook and newsletters to watch for our next date. In the meantime, contact Sarah or Marie directly at knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com if your completed charity items need to move out of your house before February.
We collect: hats, scarves, sweaters (human and dog), blankets, mittens, gloves, stuffed toys, socks and slippers for a variety of charities that include:
- Battered Women’s shelters
- Children’s charities
- Neo-natal care
- Animal shelters
- Homeless shelters
Happy Knitting! (And Crochet!!)