Our charity stock is actually running low, a good place to be at the end of the cold season here in Houston. Our Charity coordinators have been busy collecting completed items, delivering to the needy, and carting the charity yarn suitcase all over town.
In February we had a call from one of our previous KANG members, Rima Blanc, who contacted us through member Kate Wilson. Rima had identified a need for some baby items. We were able to deliver 3 blankets, 14 washcloths (cotton & soft for urps and bums) and 4 small hats to Rima’s charity quickly.
The suitcase traveled to/from the KNIT group for their Peyton Heart program on Valentine’s day. The suitcase of yarn made it back to charity coordinator, Sarah, for the charity knit-together event at No Label brewing on February 26. The knit-together event had beautiful weather and was well attended. Way to go!
There will be no charity knit-together in March as both coordinators will be attending the retreat. However, if you have charity items to submit, please hand those off to a KANG member who is attending the retreat to be collected in LaGrange by Sarah and Marie.
Stay tuned for a charity Knit-Together in April.
Thanks for all your charity knitting! Keep up the warm work.
Marie & Sarah
Questions? Email us: knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com