We received a small collection of Chinese yarns from the donation early in April. We’d like to auction the collection. Proceeds will go to KANG, offsetting money we have used to send boxes of charity items to Ukraine these past 12 months. Images of the yarn are posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Bidding will open on the 29th of April and close on 5th May. Winner will be notified by email and announced on Facebook, Instagram, and in our June newsletter.
If you want to bid, please submit your name and amount to the charity email account:
knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com with a subject line of “Silent Auction Bid“.
*Note: if you would like your name to remain anonymous on our social media sites, please indicate that in your bid email.
Happy Knitting (and crocheting)
Sarah Hartman & Marie Knappenberger
Charity co-chairs
Questions: email us knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com