Ann Turley-Dreith will be presenting a program on the knitted brioche stitch to the KNIT Chapter. If time allows, she will also demonstrate a very stretchy/decorative CO she calls the ‘Studio CO/BO’. The supplies and homework are listed below.
Materials: Bring worsted yarn (ie, Paton’s ‘Classic Wool’) – plain or variegated (NOT a dark color) Needles for a 25 stitch sample – either US 7 or 8 An additional single needle – US 10, 10.5 or 11 2 ring markers in different colors crochet hook/scissors
Homework: Cast on (your choice) 25 stitches (may be as few as 15, but must be ODD NUMBER) K1,P1 ribbing for 8 rows Leave on needles ready to start your Right Side row.