Grafting can be the solution to a number of knitting issues.
We will learn about standard grafting and discuss non-standard situations where grafting is useful.
Members are also invited to show and share any of your completed projects.
Members often arrive early to visit over dinner and show their support to the restaurant for their generosity in allowing us to meet there. Visitors and members from other chapters are always welcome.
We’re looking forward to seeing you on May 22nd!
We would like to say thank-you to everyone who came to our Knitted Knockers event in April!
We’d like to remind you that you can bring your completed Knockers, with the yarn label, to Houston Fiber Festival, June 23-25.
For each pair you donate, you will receive one raffle ticket to enter to win an exclusive gift basket only for charity participants!
One donation is a pair (2) of knockers. In a ziploc bag, including the following:
A pair of unstuffed knockers
The skein label from the yarn used
Paper or index card with your first name and size knocker made