A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope everyone had an enjoyable time with family or friends and lots of good food! We spent the day with friends, eating and watching football… and I learned how to make a French 75 cocktail.
I finished my Kyler shawl this month (sort of… I short-cut the pattern a bit because it’s REALLY big and I was tired of knitting it!). Next project is the Hibernate Pullover by Aimee Sher. It’s a top-down raglan done in merino and mohair held together. She uses a technique called compound raglans which I was not familiar with. It’s supposed to make the sweater fit better. She has lots of information about compound raglans on her website: https://aimeeshermakes.com/.
We are trying to get ready to leave on a cruise to Antarctica on January 1. It’s the only continent I haven’t been to! Hope to see lots of wildlife and glaciers (especially penguins – they are so cute!)
Keep working on those Christmas projects – time is getting short!
Kate Wilson
KANG President