From Our President – May 2024

Due to the trip, I did not make much progress on my unfinished items. However, I did take the blanket started for my niece with me on the trip. It is a simple garter stitch with hearts and I had a lot of downtime on the 12+ hour flights and some of the longer bullet train rides! Since getting back, I have started winding some hanks into cakes to start a couple projects!

Were you able to make it out to Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta in Seguin? Some gals from SoCK and I ventured out there to see what goodies begged to come home with us! 😉 I loved visiting with several of the yarn-supplying vendors like Bashful Armadillo, Chaos Fiber Co, and Nordic Star just to name a few. I look forward to starting some new projects with the lovely squishies I picked up! How about Local Yarn Store (LYS) Day this past weekend? From my LYS, I managed to snag a couple new project bags for the new yarn I acquired the day before. Now to get those needles and hooks moving, huh?

Coming up this month, your Executive Board will meet for the fourth quarterly meeting. Note that in our February board meeting (Q3), we discussed, voted, and approved that the membership fee would increase slightly for next year to $30. This is the first time in more than six years we have had a price change, but it was approved to keep it at the same cost regardless of payment method. This price change will be effective starting with the new KANG year (August 2024). Please note that the financials are available on the website under the Member-Only section for review anytime by current members. Please reach out to should you have any questions!

Can you believe it is almost that time again? Our Nominating Committee will present the slate of candidates for the open Board positions for the coming year. Then, discussion and elections will happen at the chapter level in June, so be sure to visit your home chapter to cast your vote!

Until next time,

Lauren Levy
Executive Board President