2023 felt like it flew by us! This year certainly had its ups and downs, but I am proud to have achieved a few of my goals throughout the year! Do you recall? I wanted to continue growing my skills in lacework and so I have successfully completed my year-long lace project by KnitPurl Hunter! I had wanted to learn about Tunisian crochet and was thrilled to attend a SoCK program featuring this topic! I still need to actually practice what was taught, but it’s a start! Aside from these goals, I accomplished learning a new beading technique—Peyote—and have found tremendous joy in completing these little beaded projects! Rounding out the year, I participated in my first advent knit-along this past month hosted by Telly Bean Knits (designer) and Suburban Stitcher (dyer). The pattern was “Grand Opening” and the theme was I’m Dreaming of a Pink Christmas! It is a beautiful shawl with an interesting construction in various hues of pink yarn!
I hope this coming year allows you to continue working on things you are proud of and work towards goals you may have pushed to the side. What are some of your ambitions for the new year?
2024 is already shaping up to have some exciting events! Yellow Rose on the Coast starts off the fiber events in the first weekend of February and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta is back in Seguin in April! Our KANG Spring Retreat is scheduled for March and our Charity gals have some events coming up this month! Keep an eye on the socials and our website for more updates!
Whatever your ambitions, I wish you the BEST New Year yet!
Lauren Levy
Executive Board President