Happy Holidays to All!! Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, or another holiday you celebrate, the joy and festivities in December can be felt and seen almost everywhere! Since last month, I have managed to complete all my planned holiday gift projects! (?) I am looking forward to the holiday parties at each of the chapter meetings this month! I hope to see you there as well!
In November, your Executive Board met for its quarterly meeting. Here is a brief recap from that meeting:
- The KANG Chapters have been hosting some outstanding programs each month! From experimenting with colors, learning Tunisian crochet, playing with silk, stash-busting, and working with our UFO projects… there is no shortage of fascinating topics!
- The Spring 2024 Retreat is well in on its way for planning and programming! Again, save the date for 14-17 March 2024!
- The Charity event in October was quite successful for Warm-up America. Additionally, shawls, fidget sleeves and hat donations have been made to LBJ and more scarves, hats, and gloves donations have been given to Eastern Star. Newborn and preemie hats have been delivered to the HeadStart program and Knitted Knockers have been donated! The charity yarn bin could use a bit more worsted weight yarn. There is an event being planned for January! Be on the lookout for more details coming soon!
- Membership is growing in all chapters! We are back up to where it was at the end of the last KANG cycle! Please continue to advocate for KANG! Bring your friends, invite guests! We enjoy your presence!
- We are working to get some more badge holders on order for our new members.
- Call for the 2024 Nominating Committee. Although a little early, take note that each Chapter President will be talking to their members about choosing a representative to assist the Nominating Committee for next year’s board members. Selection to be made before the next Board Meeting!
Around town, our local yarns shops are gearing up for the holidays as well with an “Embroidery & Eggnog” evening on Dec. 2 from 5-7pm at The Social Knitwork, (please RSVP), their Annual Christmas Party & canned food drive on Dec. 9 at 1pm at Yarn Store Boutique and Merribee Needlearts celebrates 41 years of business this month! Keep an eye out for updates on social media for festivities and sales!
With that, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Lauren Levy
Executive Board Presidentknitatnightguild@gmail.com