Tag: charity

Charity – Knitted Knockers

Charity – Knitted Knockers

Our next Charity Knit In is planned for June 3, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at St. Anne DeBeaupre, 2810 Link Road, Houston, Texas 77009. I hope many of you will be able to attend.  We have a comfortable facility that will accommodate as many as choose to attend.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com so I can plan for supplies and patterns.  We will be kicking off a new charity knitting opportunity – Knitted Knockers (soft, comfortable, knit prosthetics for breast cancer survivors).  We will discuss whether there is enough interest in this project for KANG to provide these to some area hospitals.  There are specific guidelines regarding patterns and yarns that must be followed to insure the finished product is as comfortable as possible for the recipient.  I will provide the appropriate yarn to get you started.  Please visit knittedknockers.org for more information. 
If you plan on working on this project, you will need size 4 needles. I have been working on making Knitted Knockers for about a month getting a range of sizes ready for delivery to Ben Taub.  In making these “knockers”, I’ve used both dpns and a 40 inch circular.  Either of these work.  You do need needles with good points because you will be making lots of increases.  The prettiest increase on the finished product is a make 1 left.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
You may work on the charity project of your choice at the Knit In – but, your project does need to be for charity.  This event will be Pot Luck as we have done in the past.  There has always been a wide variety of tasty dishes!
Please join us for the fun – snacking, knitting, and door prizes!  I look forward to seeing many of you as we join together to –
          Do what we can, with what we have, where we are   

Charity Knit-In

Kenneth Eakins, Outreach Case Manager for the Star of Hope, will speak to us about what the hats and scarves we donated last year meant to the recipients.  We will be packaging the Star of Hope donation at the Knit-In so we can turn everything over to Mr. Eakins that day.  Hats and scarves have been coming in, but we need lots more for the men in neutral colors.  Check the Charity page on the website for pattern information. The Two Hour Scarf knits up very quickly, and the Hat with Heart pattern is a great hat for fitting different size heads.  Both are great projects to carry with you when you will just have a few minutes at a time to knit during the day.  You don’t need to carry the pattern with you – just your knitting.  We also need more new black Men’s cushioned crew socks to pack with their hats if your chapter would like to donate some.  Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about charity items.  Charity items can be sent to the Charity Knit-In by members of your chapter attending the event.  As we have done previously, this Knit-In will be a potluck event.  We always have a variety of delicious dishes!  Please RSVP to charity@knitatnight.org by October 15.