Tag: KAL
KNIT Mtg – Cowl KAL
Join us as we begin our KNIT COWL KAL! You choose from three patterns: Makes Me Happy Cowl by Diane L. Augustin; Amazing Day Cowl by Beth Garbo; and The Sampler Cowl by Heather Lynch. We will begin each pattern during the meeting, including casting on and joining in the round and provisional cast-on. Bring your needles, yarn, pattern, and stitch markers (for joining in the round, removable stitch markers will be helpful).
- Choose your pattern and yarn
- Swatch for the gauge specified in the pattern you will be working.

MKAL Begins!
The first clue in the Guild’s Mystery KnitALong is released!

KNOW Mtg – Knit-A-Long
We begin our annual KAL this month. This will be a short 1 month KAL. We will be knitting hats for charity, and have plenty of donated yarn for this purpose. Please bring needles in the 9 to 11 range to start a hat at the meeting. Pick out some of the donated yarn and start your hat. The hats will be collected at the February meeting to be distributed.
- US 9 – 11 size needles