KNIT Mtg – Blocking

Want your work to look professional? Want to see those lace stitches you toiled over bloom? Want to take your knitting up a level? Blocking is the answer!!
Our own Nancy Polychronopoulos will take us through the all important skill of blocking.
Bring your questions!

KNIT Mtg – Cowl KAL

Join us as we begin our KNIT COWL KAL! You choose from three patterns: Makes Me Happy Cowl by Diane L. Augustin; Amazing Day Cowl by Beth Garbo; and The Sampler Cowl by Heather Lynch. We will begin each pattern during the meeting, including casting on and joining in the round and provisional cast-on. Bring your needles, yarn, pattern, and stitch markers (for joining in the round, removable stitch markers will be helpful).


  • Choose your pattern and yarn
  • Swatch for the gauge specified in the pattern you will be working.

KNIT Mtg – Technology Tour

Have you wondered why our guild doesn’t have a website (we totally do!)? Do you worry about deleting your newsletter and then forgetting what the next meeting is about and what the homework was? Need to contact our guild treasurer about that retreat you just bought twice but can’t find her email address? Have you always wondered how to do a search on Ravelry or post to the Guild Facebook page? Then join us for a fun filled adventure through the yarny interwebs in all of its glory. Bring all of your most burning techy questions for Sarah to answer half of them while trying not to cry.

Materials to bring:
Your thinking cap
Your favorite techy device (if you’d like to follow along or get technical help at the end)

Also, our Presdient will be presenting information on our KNIT Cowl KAL. We have pattern information in our ravelry thread. We will discuss this KAL and begin voting on a pattern! I look forward to knitting with you.

KNIT Mtg – Celebrating KNITter-ship

KNIT Mtg – Celebrating KNITter-ship

Come and join us for an evening celebrating KNITter-ship.  There is no specific program other than socializing and enjoying each other’s company as we wrap up the year.  A few KNITters will be providing snacks and finger foods.  If you have a couple of hours to spare, let’s get together and mingle!
KNIT Mtg – Making Tassels

KNIT Mtg – Making Tassels

Phyllis Tucker is presenting three easy ways to make decorative tassels to use with knitting.  Although there is a crochet hook in the supply list, these tassels are not made using the crochet method.  Phyllis will also bring samples, instructions, and the tools that she has.


Supply list
  1. A 7 1/2 inch piece of cardboard to wind tassels
  2. About 40 yards  of smooth knitted worsted ( not single ply)
  3. A medium crochet hook 
  4. a largish yarn needle 
  5. scissors
  6. 12 inch ruler  
  7. A short pair of size 7 knitting needles 
  8. A tassel maker if you have one* 
*If you want to buy one Amazon has A Clover Tassel Maker for $8.66
KNIT Mtg – Double Knitting

KNIT Mtg – Double Knitting

Chriztine Kirk will present a program on double knitting.  The homework instructions will be emailed to the chapter members since it was a pdf document with  multiple pages.  If non-chapter member would like a copy, please email Pam Lee at dbighippo@gmail.com.

KNIT Mtg – Beaded Waves Cuff

KNIT Mtg – Beaded Waves Cuff

We are making the beaded waves cuff this month.  The kits were purchased directly from Laura Nelkin and our very own, Crystal Smith, will guide us through the process.  Participants should bring the following supplies:
1.  Size 1, 2 or 3 needles (patterns calls for size 2, but bring your preferred size/type)
2.  Measuring tape
3.  Beading mat or small cloth for workspace


Optional items:
1.  Fleegle Beader or
2.  1.15 mm – 1.25 mm crochet hook
KNIT Mtg – Create Your Own Braided Cord

KNIT Mtg – Create Your Own Braided Cord

Paula Fortenberry will teach her much praised class CREATE YOUR OWN BRAIDED CORD.  She will show us how to create ornate braids using the very yarns that we knit and crochet with.

Please bring:

  • Scissors that you don’t mind cutting paper with
  • Several colors of worsted yarn
  • A ruler (the little gauge rulers will work well)