Katy Lace Knitters will meet on Tuesday, March 5th, at 11 am at Luby’s on South Mason Road. Bring your latest lace project for help or bring your Huldra shawl. Stay after the meeting to visit and eat lunch.
Tag: lace
Katy Lace Knitters
Katy Lace Knitters
Katy Lace Knitters will meet on Tuesday, January 9th, at 11 am at Luby’s on S. Mason Road. We will continue to work on our Huldra Shawls. Stay after the meeting to eat lunch and visit.
Cynthia Long
Katy Lace Knitters
Katy Lace Knitters will meet on Tuesday, December 5th, at Luby’s on S. Mason Rd. at 11 am. Bring your Huldra Shawl to work on. We will discuss problematic areas and continue work on the shawl. Join us for the meeting and remain after for lunch to visit.

KNOW Mtg – Lace Knitting Tips and Tricks
This month, KNOW Member and lace knitter extraordinaire Janet Lauland will present a program for us called, “Lace Knitting Tips and Tricks.” Topics to be covered include choosing appropriate yarn and needles, lifelines, working with charts, and more. This particular program was written by our lace designer-in-residence and CHIX member Rose Williams, so you won’t want to miss it!