Tag: local
Spring Charity Knit-In 2018
As always, the knit-in is open to anyone who likes to knit and/or crochet for charity. Please help spread the word! Feel free to bring a food item to share with the group. We will have an oven and a microwave to heat up food. Water, coffee, and tea will be provided.
- Attend the event
- Bring a non-member guest
- Turn in a completed, handmade charity item
- Donate a ball of acrylic/washable yarn for charity
To RSVP for the knit-in, please email knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.

Houston Fiber Fest 2017
There’s more to Houston Fiber Fest than just classes and shopping; there’s also the fun of meeting new friends! The Meet-Up Table in the atrium (look for the balloons!) is the place to be. There will be knit- and crochet-alongs, stitch marker swaps, demos, and lots of opportunities for you to talk with other Houston area fiber enthusiasts who share your interests. When the vendor hall closes on Friday and Saturday evening, gather at the table to coordinate group outings to local restaurants.

Paint Your Own Yarn Bowl
Ravellenic Games – Team SoCK
Come down to Mo’s Irish Pub to watch the Olympic Games and feverishly work toward your own Ravellenic Games medal. Hope to see you there! This will be immediately following the SoCK meeting.
For more information about the Ravellenic Games, head to the Ravelry group:
Head over to the Team SoCK Facebook event page to RSVP:
Don’t forget to join the discussion on the Guild’s Ravelry Group:
Ravellenic Games – Team SoCK – Opening Ceremony
The summer Olympics are here! Which means it’s time again for the Ravellenic Games 2016. Come join Team SoCK at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the opening ceremonies and kick off your knitting in style.
For details on the The Ravellenic Games, how to enter, and how to participate visit the Ravelry Group
A list of the RG medal categories can be found here.
Head over to the Team SoCK Facebook page for more details and to RSVP.
Join the Team SoCK discussion on the Guild Ravelry Group.