Tag: Meeting

Knitting in Kingwood (KIK)

Please join us to visit and knit! Contact our chapter president for more information about this month’s program, or follow KANG on social media!

Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)


We will be kicking off the New Year with donations to Star of Hope. Please bring a charity knit and/or small toiletries.

We are also going to have a potluck; Valarie Nicholson will be sending out an email closer to the date so that you can sign up to bring goodies to share.

We will also be discussing a potential knit-a-long that will incorporate new skills for some and an opportunity to revisit skills they haven’t used lately.

Knitters Night Out West (KNOW)

Have you seen or heard about the viral “Emotional Support Chicken“? Join the fun with this fast knit project and use up some of those OOAK skeins or slim down that stash!

Please bring some worsted-weight yarn (nearly any fiber including acrylic) and size 7 needles OR fingering-weight yarn and size 1, 1.5, or 2 needles. Recommend variegated, tweedy, patterned, or tonal yarn with a solid contrast yarn, but you do you.

Buy your pattern ahead if you would like to get a head start.
Bethel King will share many tricks and tips and provide cute tags for your future #ESC.

Many members often come early to have dinner and show support for the restaurant and their generosity in letting us meet there. Guild members and visitors are welcome to join us!

Knitters Night in Town (KNIT)

Our meeting this month will be led by Member Jamie Cochran.

Jamie will demonstrate some basic crochet techniques for knitters.

For homework, please KNIT a square, any pattern, using an ODD number of stitches and rows. This square should be at least 4×4”. Any previously made swatch or dishcloth can be used but must have the odd number of stitches and rows.


  • Worsted weight yarn (#4) will be easy to work with using a 5.5 mm to 6.5mm crochet hook.
  • DK weight yarn (#3) will use a 4mm-5mm size crochet hook.
  • Bring a contrast color yarn in the same weight as your square.
  • Both yarns should be basic yarns, not chenille or mohair etc. types of yarn.
  • We will make a decorative border, a hanging loop and a small appliqué embellishment.

Saturday Cypress Knitters (SoCK)


Are you a thrower, picker, or flicker knitter? Learn about the different styles and their uses. You’ll also get an introduction to backward knitting and double knitting. We’ll try different styles, so bring a cast-on swatch for practicing.

CHH Spinners

The Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10-12 am, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm.
Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor.

If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild.
Occasionally meeting schedules will vary, so please check the CHH website calendar before heading out. For this and other information, see http://www.weavehouston.org/

CHH Spinners

The Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm. Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor.

If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild. Occasionally meeting schedules will vary, so please check the CHH website calendar before heading out. For this and other information, see http://www.weavehouston.org/

Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)

At our December meeting, Valarie Nicholson will lead the group in making Gnome ornaments using scrap yarn.

Supplies members will need include:

  • Toilet paper roll marked in 1-inch segments, to be cut into circles
  • Worsted weight yarn cut into approximately 12-inch pieces (60), color of your choice.
  • Worsted weight yarn for beard
  • Darning needles

Valarie will provide the rest of the items

If you have glue guns, please bring.

Katy Lace Knitters

Katy Lace Knitters will meet on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 11 am at Luby’s on south Mason Road.

We will continue to work on the Good Winds Shawl or Scarf.

After the meeting we will eat lunch. Please let me know if you will be attending at [email protected].

Hope to see y’all there.

CHH Spinners

The Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10-12 am, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.
Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor.

If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild.
Occasionally meeting schedules will vary, so please check the CHH website calendar before heading out. For this and other information, see http://www.weavehouston.org/