Holiday Party! Please bring something yummy to share for everyone to eat and join us for the party! A gift exchange will happen so if you’d like to participate please bring a yarn/fiber/knitting related gift. Keep gift amount under $15.
Tag: Mtg

Executive Board Meeting – November 2017
Open to all members.

KNOW Mtg – Lace Knitting Tips and Tricks
This month, KNOW Member and lace knitter extraordinaire Janet Lauland will present a program for us called, “Lace Knitting Tips and Tricks.” Topics to be covered include choosing appropriate yarn and needles, lifelines, working with charts, and more. This particular program was written by our lace designer-in-residence and CHIX member Rose Williams, so you won’t want to miss it!
KNOT Mtg – Yarn Store Field Trip
Our next meeting will be from 6:30-8:30pm on September 28 at a new yarn shop, Yarn Haven and Boutique, 8900 Eastloch Drive, Suite 300in Spring. The owner, Doris Scott, will be introducing her shop and telling about the latest trends in knitting and crochet. The shop’s website is
KNIT Mtg – Cowl KAL
Join us as we begin our KNIT COWL KAL! You choose from three patterns: Makes Me Happy Cowl by Diane L. Augustin; Amazing Day Cowl by Beth Garbo; and The Sampler Cowl by Heather Lynch. We will begin each pattern during the meeting, including casting on and joining in the round and provisional cast-on. Bring your needles, yarn, pattern, and stitch markers (for joining in the round, removable stitch markers will be helpful).
- Choose your pattern and yarn
- Swatch for the gauge specified in the pattern you will be working.

KNOW Mtg – Hand Dyeing w/ Natural Dye
This month’s program on Hand-Dying Yarn With Natural Dyes is being presented by Penny and Peggy of Sky Loom Weavers in Cat Springs, Texas. Penny and Peggy will talk about the process they use to create beautiful yarn using flowers, plants, and other natural materials, and show us how we can do it at home. They will also be bringing hand-dyed yarn from their shop that will be available for sale.
KIK Mtg – Quick Easy Gifts
Quick – Easy Gifts
* Member discussion ideas
* Members will make soap covers (Knitted & Crochet)
KNIT Mtg – Technology Tour
Have you wondered why our guild doesn’t have a website (we totally do!)? Do you worry about deleting your newsletter and then forgetting what the next meeting is about and what the homework was? Need to contact our guild treasurer about that retreat you just bought twice but can’t find her email address? Have you always wondered how to do a search on Ravelry or post to the Guild Facebook page? Then join us for a fun filled adventure through the yarny interwebs in all of its glory. Bring all of your most burning techy questions for Sarah to answer half of them while trying not to cry.
Materials to bring:
Your thinking cap
Your favorite techy device (if you’d like to follow along or get technical help at the end)
Also, our Presdient will be presenting information on our KNIT Cowl KAL. We have pattern information in our ravelry thread. We will discuss this KAL and begin voting on a pattern! I look forward to knitting with you.
CHIX Mtg – Two-Color Brioche
Judith Gerst will teach us how to do two-color brioche.