Tag: Mtg

KIK Mtg – Christmas Potluck

CHIX Mtg – Christmas Gathering
You are invited to come to the Chix with Sticks annual Christmas gathering. You may bring some “Good Eats” to share. We are also having a gift exchange valued from ten to fifteen dollars and be crochet or knit related. Hoping to see everyone there.

KNIT Mtg – Holiday Party
Please join us for our annual Christmas Party Potluck at Trini Mendenhall. We will have a white elephant gift exchange of yarn-related items. We’ll also be discussing and preparing for some exciting new upcoming programs for the chapter!
KNOW Mtg – Show us your favorites!

KNOT Mtg – Simple Brioche

KIK Mtg – Christmas Ornaments!
SoCK Mtg – Knitting Backwards

CHIX Mtg – Create Your Own Braided Cord

KNIT Mtg – Knitter’s Yoga
Our meeting will be held the 3rd Tuesday in November due to election day on the 8th.
Do you suffer from knit-i-tis? A condition associated with knitting for hours and hours; symptoms include stiffness of the fingers, tightness of the neck, achy shoulders, and sore back. If you have any or all of these signs, hope you will join us in learning different yoga stretches, exercises and perhaps a few poses to alleviate these “terrible” pains. The program is presented by Shuwen Reger, a certified yoga instructor.