Tag: Mtg

KIK – Blocking Your Knitting

KIK – Blocking Your Knitting

The KIK meeting has been permanently changed to the third Saturday of the month so this month’s meeting will be on September 17th.

Susan Draper will present a program and demonstration on blocking your knitting. She will also discuss care of your knitted garments.

KNOW – Let’s Have Some Fun!

KNOW – Let’s Have Some Fun!

A September to remember with K.N.O.W. “Let’s have some fun”! Bring as many 5 gram mini skeins of fingering weight yarn to swap as you would like to knit.
Not sure what to do with a Mini Skein? Have no fear, we will give you ideas you can use for projects you will love.

*Many of us arrive at the restaurant early to have dinner together. Everyone is welcome to join us. 

KNOT – Breast Cancer Awareness

KNOT – Breast Cancer Awareness

KNOT will meet the 3rd Thursday in September (9/15) at Immanuel United Church of Christ in Old Town Spring (26501 Border St).  The meeting was moved due to Stitches Texas being Sept 22-25!

October is breast cancer awareness month. Our own KNOT member Carol Lynn Coglianese, MD is going to give a presentation that goes beyond the “what you need to know”. She’ll also discuss how knitter’s can help those who are being treated for this life-changing disease.

In line with Carol Lynn’s presentation free kits will be distributed for a small charity project, which, if completed by the October meeting, will enter you into a drawing for a prize.

SoCK – Knitted Beaded Purses

SoCK – Knitted Beaded Purses

Come learn about knitted beaded purses. Phyllis Tucker will be discussing the history and technique, and bringing examples!

CHIX – Create Your Own Braided Cord

CHIX – Create Your Own Braided Cord

 Join us as we learn to make cords for future projects using the very yarns that you knit and crochet with. Templates will be provided. 

Please bring:

  • Scissors that you don’t mind cutting paper with
  • Worsted yarn
  • A ruler (The little gauge rulers will be fine)

Executive Board Meeting

Join us for the first Executive Board meeting for the 2016-2017 guild year. This meeting is open to the public so feel free to join in to see what’s coming up in the guild for the next quarter.