Susan Draper will present a program and demonstration on blocking your knitting. She will also discuss care of your knitted garments.

Susan Draper will present a program and demonstration on blocking your knitting. She will also discuss care of your knitted garments.
*Many of us arrive at the restaurant early to have dinner together. Everyone is welcome to join us.
KNOT will meet the 3rd Thursday in September (9/15) at Immanuel United Church of Christ in Old Town Spring (26501 Border St). The meeting was moved due to Stitches Texas being Sept 22-25!
In line with Carol Lynn’s presentation free kits will be distributed for a small charity project, which, if completed by the October meeting, will enter you into a drawing for a prize.
Come learn about knitted beaded purses. Phyllis Tucker will be discussing the history and technique, and bringing examples!
Please bring:
Join us for the first Executive Board meeting for the 2016-2017 guild year. This meeting is open to the public so feel free to join in to see what’s coming up in the guild for the next quarter.