Tag: zoom

CHIX Zoom Meeting – Future of chapter

Calling all Chix members. We must discuss the future of the CHIX chapter. Hope to see you at the next meeting. Let’s see what’s on the needles and off. Let’s show and share.

KNIT Zoom Meeting – Color Theory

Join us Tuesday June 8 at 6:30 via Zoom for a presentation and play about Color Theory with Kyla Crawford from Kyla’s Lab yarns. Kyla will guide us through theories on color as well as through some exercises and play with color. So unleash your mind. And bring a box of crayons – or colored pencils – something you can use to color inside and outside the lines.
We’ll send out a Zoom invitation for the June meeting.
And keep watching your mailbox — we plan to be back in person later this summer. Details to come.

KNOW Zoom Meeting – Yarn dyeing

Knitter’s Night Out West meets from 7:00 pm – 8:30pm on the last Monday of each month (EXCEPT IN MAY and December). While we normally meet at Spring Creek Barbeque, 21000 Katy Freeway, I-10 at Westgreen Blvd in Katy, currently we are holding Zoom meetings.
Chapter members, please watch your email for a poll regarding when we should resume in-person meetings. May 24th is a Zoom meeting so watch for your invitation around May 20.
Members from other chapters wishing to attend our meeting are always welcome to do so. Please email KNOW prior to May 21st to be sure to receive a Zoom invitation.
KNOW members will head to the kitchen and do some yarn dyeing in the microwave with Kool Aid!  Dyeing with food dyes is an easy, fun, and safe way to become an indie dyer for a day.  You can use any white or light-colored yarn that is animal fiber (wool, mohair, etc., no cottons or acrylics.) Check your stash for leftovers or unloved hanks and give them a makeover with this fun technique.  We will send out a full list of materials ahead of our meeting, so if you are not a KNOW chapter member be sure to send an email to KNOW for the information and Zoom invite as soon as possible.

KIK Zoom Meeting – Double knitting

Double Your Fun with Double Knitting

You’ve heard of double vision, but have you heard of double knitting?  Join KIK at our May 15 meeting where Connie Blakley will introduce you to this technique. Double knitting is usually knit with two colors, incorporates a design, and produces a fabric that looks the same on the front and back. It is especially striking when knit with gradient yarn in two complementary colorways. If you want to knit along, bring two colors of yarn and appropriately sized, straight needles. You will also need a crochet hook for the cast on.
Please send an email to KIK President (knitatnightguildkik@gmail.com) if you wish to attend.

CHIX Zoom Meeting – Duplicate knitting

Duplicate stitch is a simple way to add color to your knitting project. We will work this on any plain smooth stockinette base. You will need 2 smooth worsted contrast yarns and needles to match. Work a 4×4 stockinette swatch with base color.
Bring samples of duplicate projects to share.
Looking forward to working with you. Email knitatnightguildchix@gmail.com for access.

KNIT Zoom Meeting – Scrappy Ray shawl

We are so excited to have engaged Designer Thamo Hurly to teach her Scrappy Ray Shawl. We have limited availability to other chapter members to join our chapter. The fee for joining (if you don’t belong to KNIT) is $25 (includes pattern). Have you ever wondered how to use up all those scraps of yarn that you keep in your stash? This is the perfect class to help solve that problem.  Thamo will teach us how to get the most of our leftovers or minis to produce a shawl that you will be proud to wear or gift. We have availability for 6 more knitters. This is going to be a GREAT KNIT meeting.
How to join: email Paula at pdctexas@gmail.com to determine if space is available space and how to pay.

KIK Meeting – Brioche, part 2

The KIK meeting will be via Zoom on April 17 at 10 a.m. and the program will be Part 2 about Brioche knitting. Everyone who has Show & Share items,please email the president their photos, preferably in jpg format, the week before. We will be knitting 2-color Brioche flat.
Please send an email to KIK President (knitatnightguildkik@gmail.com) if you wish to attend.

KNIT Meeting – Frogging

KNIT is starting our spring cleaning by a FROG session. Do you frog or tink? Come share tips and learn from others about starting fresh and starting over.
If you want to visit our chapter for this meeting, please request the link at least 72 hours in advance by sending an email to the KNIT President (knitatnightguildknit@gmail.com).