Tag: zoom

SoCK Meeting – Social scarf

We will be continuing our Social scarf with the brick pattern (multiple of 12 sts plus 6), and we will also work on the featured hats — the Punk Rock Princess hat and the Stripey hat. Please join us.
We will meet virtually. If you need an invite, please email knitatnightguildsock@gmail.com for a link to the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you.

CHIX Meeting – Intarsia in the Round

Be ready to show your Dome Capitol Hat from last month. Learn how to KNIT INTARSIA IN THE ROUND. This technique has been a game changer for my colorwork projects.
  1. Need to be familiar with stranded knitting.
  2. Speed swatching in the round (watch How to Swatch in the round presented by Webs on YouTube).
SUPPLIES: any 2 contrasting smooth yarns, 3 removable markers, needles appropriate for your yarn.
HOMEWORK: Using any method cast on 20 stitches with DARKEST color and work FLAT in garter for one inch ending after working a purl row. Place markers after the 5th, 10th and 15th stitch. Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
If you would like to attend our virtual meeting, please email knitatnightguildchix@gmail.com for a link to the meeting.

KNOW Meeting – I Loved the Hank, Now What?

While we normally meet at Spring Creek Barbeque, 21000 Katy Freeway, I-10 at Westgreen Blvd in Katy currently we are holding Zoom meetings. Chapter members, please watch your email for a Zoom invitation.

Members from other chapters wishing to attend our meeting are welcome to do so. Please email KNOW prior to April 24th to be sure to receive a Zoom invitation.

The April Program will be a Power Point presentation entitled “I Loved the Hank, Now What?” presented by Amy Rodgers.  There will be a short introduction to variegated yarns and what may be some unintended consequences when knit up.  Photos and written descriptions of stitch patterns that highlight the yarn as itself will be shown. Specifically, this will include  slip stitches with long floats, drop stitch patterns, elongated stitches and multi row lattice floats.

KIND meeting – How to knit a sweater

This month and the following months we will work on Cheryl Brunette’s “How to make a sweater” class.  The website for the class is https://howtoknitasweater.com .

The class has 15 videos; some of these we will watch in class, others you will need to watch at home.  For the April class, the homework is below.  It looks like a lot but it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes.
  • Go to the link above and click on the “Sign me up!” button.  Enter your name and email address then click “Get started here”.
  • Download the handouts
  • The class starts on the page titled “Part 1: Welcome to the Workshop.”  The attachment in this email is the same as the “download the pattern” link so you won’t need to do that.
  • Watch video “Part 1: Welcome to the Workshop” and the video “Making and measuring a gauge swatch”.
  • Get the yarn and needles you want to use for the sweater – this is a test knit in a size to fit a small child so you won’t need a lot of yarn.

SoCK Meeting – Social scarf

We are continuing our Social scarf with the Diagonal pattern with a multiple of 9 st.
Our new featured patterns are:
  • The Punk Rock Princess hat – It is worked in fingering yarn with beading. I used sport weight yarn.  It is a paid pattern.
  • The other is Slipped Stripe Hat – it is worked in fingering or DK weight yarn. Just make sure you use the correct size of circular needles to get the correct gauge.  This is a free pattern.
We will meet virtually. If you need an invite, please email knitatnightguildsock@gmail.com for a link to the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you.

CHIX Meeting – The Capitol KAL

I would like to thank everyone that participated in the Flax KAL. Come and share your finished or unfinished sweater at the next meeting.
Our next project is The Capitol by Hinterm Stein. The pattern was first released as a free download. Come and join us for the March meeting and receive a copy. Looking forward to seeing you.
If you would like to attend our virtual meeting, please email knitatnightguildchix@gmail.com for a link to the meeting.

KNIT Meeting – Learn about Ravelry

In March, join us to learn the ins and outs of Ravelry. Stash? Tags? Tracking projects and future projects, we hope to cover all your questions. ZOOM link will be emailed. If you have a specific question, email it in early. If you want to visit our chapter for this meeting, please request the link at least 72 hours in advance by sending an email to the KNIT President (knitatnightguildknit@gmail.com)

KNOW Meeting – Interesting Edgings

Due to the unusual weather and power failures, the February KNOW meeting was cancelled.  In March we will be presenting the program that was scheduled for February.

Want a change from ribbing?  At our March meeting, KNOW will explore and share interesting edgings.

Members are invited to share their interesting edgings; we ask for a photo ahead of the meeting so we can all see it close-up.  We ask if you share it, bring your project or swatch so that you can show off during the Zoom meeting. Your meeting reminder will include the details for submitting your photos.

Chapter members, please watch your email for a Zoom invitation. If you are not a KNOW chapter member but wish to attend the meeting, you are welcome to do so.  Please email KNOW prior to February 20th to receive a Zoom invitation.

KIND Meeting – Round table discussion on various topics

The February KIND meeting was cancelled due to the weather, so the March meeting will have the same agenda: We will have a round table discussion covering topics such as how we organize our yarn, what tools we put in our project bags, any favorite tools or techniques we like.

If there are other topics you want to talk about or you are not a KIND member and want to attend, please email Kate Wilson at kangwebmaster@gmail.com.

KIK Meeting – Brioche samples

KiK’s February meeting was cancelled due to power outages and internet connection problems. Our meeting in March will have the same program scheduled for February. Members are to send pictures of their finished projects by Thursday the 18th for a show and share using PowerPoint. We will be knitting samples of brioche for the program to start a two color brioche cowl. Needed is a dark and light color DK weight yarn and US size 4 circular needles about 24 or 32 inches, and also a stitch marker. Homework will consist of knitting 2 starter samples of 4 and 5 row stockinette using 25 cast on stitches. The 4 row will be in the darker color and the 5 row will be in the lighter yarn.

Please send an email to KIK President (knitatnightguildkik@gmail.com) if you wish to attend.