Tag: zoom

CHIX Meeting – Flax top

We will continue working on the Flax or Flax light top. Paula has completed the body and will have at least one sleeve completed before the meeting so that we can discuss the process. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s progress. Before the meeting, she will post updated photos on Ravelry under Postlady.

We will meet virtually. If you need an link to the Zoom meeting, please email knitatnightguildchix@gmail.com for a link to the meeting.

KNOT Meeting

KNOT will meet via Zoom and at Lynn’s Table 307 Gentry St. Spring TX 77373

KNOW – Slipped stitches

Members from other chapters are most welcome. Please send an email request to the KNOW president a few days ahead of the meeting and you will be emailed a Zoom invitation.

This month, KNOW members will once again delve into the wonderful world of slipped stitches. Many slip stitch patterns are done with yarn held on the wrong side (like in mosaic knitting), but others slip stitches with the yarn on the right side. We will explore one of the latter, a pattern that results in an interesting wavy, woven look in multi colors, but uses one color at a time. To try it out at the meeting, select a yarn in two or more contrasting solid colors and bring appropriately sized needles.

KIND – German Short Rows

This month we will learn how to do German short rows.

Homework: Using any worsted-weight yarn and an appropriate sized needle, cast on 20 stitches. Work in garter stitch for 4 rows, then work stockinette stitch for 2 rows. Do not bind off.

If you are not a KIND member and want to attend, please email kangwebmaster@gmail.com for a link to the meeting.

KIK – Ribbing and Cables

January’s KIK program will be presented by Connie Blakley and is all about how to achieve neater, more even ribbing and cables. You will learn the Norwegian technique for knitting and purling continental style. Connie will also offer some tips for achieving similar results if you knit American-style. We will knit a swatch of ribbing and cable stitches and you will need: worsted weight yarn, size 7 needles, and a cable needle. Homework: cast on 26 stitches and knit 4 rows of garter stitch. We will finish the sample swatch during the meeting

Please send an email to KIK President if you wish to attend.

KNIT Meeting – Cables and felting

We will have a hybrid meeting either at Trini Mendenhall or via ZOOM. Look for the ZOOM link via email. Our January meeting covers two topics. First, a demonstration of Cables without a Cable needle, Second, a Round Table discussion of felting. Ruth will discuss an easy felt project with tips for the project. If you have any felting ideas or completed items, please bring them to the ZOOM and share. At the end of the meeting, we will do our annual survey about where the chapter is going in 2021. Happy New Year to everyone.

If you would like to attend the Zoom meeting but are not a member of KNIT, please email the KNIT Presidents for an invitation.

SoCK – Beach Diamonds Wrap KAL

Join Sock as we begin our new KAL Ravelry: Beach Diamonds Wrap pattern by Ing-credible Threads Designs as a featured project. Yarn choices are Lion Mandala or your choice of any DK weight yarn.

We are also starting the Social scarf Ravelry: #06 Social pattern by Deborah Newton for our technique skills. This is a cable pattern block, co 64 in multiple 16 stitches plus12. Bring your stitch dictionary to help find a cable pattern if not using Vogue magazine fall 2020.

We will meet virtually. If you need an invite, please email knitatnightgiuldsock@gmail.com for a link to the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you.

CHIX – Pullover KAL

It’s not too late to join the KAL for the Flax or Flax Light pullover. The pullover is a free pattern from TinCan Knits. Grab your yarn and needles, work up a swatch and choose your size. We will discuss your swatch, then cast on. I will be making an infant and adult size. I will be ahead so that you can view the process. If you have been wanting to venture into making garments, this is a perfect pattern to make 2021 the year of garments. Choose an infant or child size in a yarn equivalent to one you might like for yourself. (This can be your swatch/gauge for your future garment.)

If you are not a CHIX member but want to attend, please email chix@knitatnight.org for a Zoom invitation.


KIK Mini Christmas KAL

Our Easy-Peasy Mini Christmas KAL will be continued. Join Connie Blakley to learn how to knit a mini Christmas tree. In December, we will learn to knit the tree, which is knit flat, has bobbles, and is shaped with short rows, then “sewn” together using 3-needle bind off technique.

Materials for the tree: ~14 grams green DK or sport yarn, 3.5mm (US size 4) DPNs, scrap yarn and crochet hook for provisional cast on.

Please notify Andrea Conrad, President (knitatnightguildkik@gmail.com), if you wish to attend.