Apologies for radio silence last month. Your coordinators were overwhelmed with work and home obligations. We are back now, and there is only just a little news to share.
Summer is the charity slow season. Few charity organizations south of the Mason-Dixon line are looking for warm woolen wares. Plus; it’s too hot to knit outside together; and often indoor locations cost money.
That doesn’t mean that you all are not knitting for charity; and your coordinators are ready to facilitate drop-offs and pick-ups. Here is a catch-up on what has been happening since we wrote in May:
- We were contacted by a charity knitting group in New York City. They saw our newsletter and/or our website where we called for collections for Ukraine. They wanted to know if they could add to our shipment. Sadly, the shipment had already left the country and there is not yet a call for more items. We asked the NYC folks to keep us informed if they hear a call, and that we would do the same for them. Charity coordinator, Marie, is in contact with 2 ex-coworkers in Ukraine. They report that they both are alive, and well and their families are healthy so far. Marie will maintain contact with them as the weather turns in the autumn.
- The KNOW chapter did a charity knit program for their May meeting. Amy took the charity yarn suitcase for her chapter to use. Amy still has the yarn and is looking to see if her church would be willing to let us use the community room for a charity-knit-together sometime during the summer months. (AC for free!) Charity coordinators will keep everyone posted as that potential develops.
Current Charity Item count in stock: Charity coordinators continue to search for and coordinate with charity outlets for our wares. If you hear of any group that in need, reach out to knitatnightguildcharity@gmail.com
- 42 Wool hats
- 8 blankets
- 29 Scarves
- 70 Hats (non-wool)
- 6 headbands
- 4 shawls
- 3 pair of booties/slippers
Keep knitting (and crocheting)