Have you gotten stiff hands after knitting? Wished you could finish that shawl, but your fingers just ache too much? Then you might need to see a chiropractor. Dr. Susan Bradshaw will be teaching stretching techniques for knitters. Come learn how to knit happy and healthy! If you have any specific questions for Dr. Bradshaw, please send them to her at drsue@lschiropractic.com.
In addition, we will be celebrating KANG‘s 20th Anniversary! Here is the party food menu: Whole wheat zucchini walnut loaf, Bacon Cheddar and Thyme muffins, Gluten free Blueberry Struessel Cake, Seasonal Fruit, Coffee, and Tea. Please RSVP to the Facebook event or to sock@knitatnight.org so we know how much food to make. :)