KNOW Meeting – Sock Fundamentals

At our meeting on Monday, November 26, 2018, longtime KNOW member and sock-knitting expert Lynn Hensley will present her program on “Sock Fundamentals.” Lynn will explain in detail basic sock construction and architecture, discuss the most popular heel and toe options, describe how and what to measure for a perfect fit, as well as talk about needle choices and appropriate yarns to use. This program is aimed toward knitters of all skill levels, so please join us.

Our KNOW Annual Holiday Party is scheduled for December 10, 2018, at Spring Creek Barbecue.  If you’d like to participate in the (optional) gift exchange, please bring with you a wrapped, unlabeled knitting notion (or notions) worth approximately $15.  For additional exciting details about the Holiday Party, watch your inbox!  

Note: This is the last meeting at which cold-weather charitable contributions will be collected.

KNOW Meeting – Weird and Wonky to Wonderful!

At our KNOW meeting on Monday, October 29, Janet Madden will present her program, “Weird and Wonky to Wonderful—Bash the Stash for Charity Knitting!”  You will learn about the charitable organizations and related projects sponsored by each chapter, score some patterns, hear a few stories, and maybe find a new use for that strange skein stored somewhere in your stash. Bring yarn and needles to match.  Hopefully, you’ll be inspired!  Please plan to attend what promises to be a very enjoyable and worthwhile program. 

KNOW Meeting – Decorative Cast-ons

At our KNOW meeting on September 24, well-known Katy artist and knitting instructor Sony Hartley will present a program on Decorative Cast-on Techniques.  During her presentation, Sony will teach three different ways to cast on a knitting project:  The I-cord Cast-on, Picot Cast-on, and Flower Cast-on.  In order to participate, bring worsted-weight yarn, dpn’s or a circular knitting needle size 8-10, or a crochet hook size C or smaller. Sony will supply beads and flowers for our use.  Please plan to attend what promises to be a fun and interesting meeting. 

KNOW Meeting – Blocking

At our meeting on Monday, August 27, expert knitter and longtime Guild member Nancy Polychronopolous will present an extensive program on Blocking. If you want your knitting to look professional, your lace projects to be beautifully perfected, and your stitches to be smooth and even, this is the program for you. Nancy will describe different types of blocking suitable for our various types of knitted items. Be sure to plan to attend this essential, very informative meeting.

KNOW Meeting – Christmas in July

Please plan to join in the festivities at KNOW on July 30 at our “Christmas in July” knit-in.  We will be knitting and crocheting seasonal decorations and tree ornaments as we get a head start on the Holidays!  Bring your favorite homemade decoration to share.  We will have patterns and plenty of Knit Picks worsted-weight yarn available, in addition to a supply of beads, sequins, ribbon, stuffing, and other trimmings you may use to decorate your finished project.  Just bring assorted knitting needles (sizes 5-8), a crochet hook (size F), and your bag of notions. Holiday goodies will be served, so save room for dessert!  

We will also be voting on Chapter Officers to fill positions for the coming year, so come prepared to participate in the voting process.  In addition, we will be collecting dues.  You may pay your annual membership fee at the meeting by cash or check ($25.00).  
Many of our members arrive at the restaurant early to have dinner.  We encourage this custom, as Spring Creek Barbecue has never charged us for the use of their conference room, and we appreciate it!  Everyone is welcome.  We look forward to seeing you there!

KNOW Meeting – Sky Loom Weavers

You won’t want to miss this month’s KNOW meeting! On June 25, Penny Nelson and Peggy Barnette of Sky Loom Weavers will talk to us about, “Weaving Concepts for the Hand Weaver.” They will discuss the history of weaving and the basics of how it’s done, as well as the breadth of possibilities open to the hand weaver. Several small table looms will be warped up and ready to weave so everyone can try their hand at it. In addition to hand-woven items such as shawls, scarves, and kitchen towels, there will be Cricket looms and accessories for sale. Please join us for what promises to be a fun and interesting program.

In addition to our program, we will be voting for candidates nominated to fill the 2018-2019 KANG Executive Board officer positions.  At the Chapter level, we hope to nominate a volunteer to coordinate our Charity efforts.  Please plan to attend and enjoy an interesting and informative program, as well as be prepared to participate in the voting process. 

KNOW meeting – Four Corners Skills Workshop

Please join us on May 21, 2018 at our  Four-Corners Skills Workshop, where we will be offering members their choice of four classes to be taught by some of our most generous and talented knitters.  Most members will be able to participate in two 30-minute classes each.  The topics and instructors are:

  • Provisional Cast-on:  Janet Lauland
  • Japanese Short Rows:  Cindy Long
  • Three-Needle Bind-off/Kitchener Stitch:  Janet Madden
  • Magic Loop:  Debbie Szuluk

If you still need to sign up for a class or classes, OR, you need the supplies lists/homework for the class(es) in which you are enrolled, please email  Janet at jneberman@gmail.com.  We hope everyone will take advantage of this invaluable opportunity to add to their knitting skills set. 

KNOW Meeting – Pattern swap

At this month’s KNOW meeting, we will have fun swapping patterns by way of our “Free Pattern Exchange.” What’s your favorite free pattern? Is it a go-to project when it comes to gifts for others? Your most-often-used stash buster? Whatever it may be, bring an example of a finished project to the meeting, along with copies of the pattern to share with like-minded stitchers. (Remember that the pattern must be free or you must have permission to share it.)

We will also be collecting any outstanding Snuggles for delivery to Special Pals. In addition, we’ll have sign-up sheets for the classes to be offered at our Four-Corners Skills Workshop to be held in May. See you there!

KNOW Meeting – Cookie Cutter Washcloths

Celebrate the arrival of Spring with KNOW as we learn to knit “Cookie Cutter Washcloths For Every Occasion.”  Have you ever knit a cotton washcloth?  They make beautiful gifts for friends and loved ones. Sybil Koempel will present our program, where we will be using cookie cutters to create lovely motifs we can add to our hand-knit washcloths.  Bring to the meeting a skein of worsted-weight cotton yarn, your choice of needle, and a three-inch cookie cutter, and get ready to knit a one-of-a-kind washcloth to keep for yourself or give away. 

KNOW Mtg – Tips and Tricks For a Better Cabling Experience

KNOW Mtg – Tips and Tricks For a Better Cabling Experience

This month’s KNOW meeting promises to be an invaluable learning opportunity. Who doesn’t love the look of perfect cables?  Longtime KNOW member and knitting expert Cathy Drake will demonstrate how to achieve them when she presents her program, “Tips and Tricks For a Better Cabling Experience.”  Plan to join us as we learn about basic cable construction, different types of cables, how to avoid cable flare and other common pitfalls, and more. 
We will also be collecting all completed Snuggle blankets.  In addition, there will be a drawing for a beautiful Grand Prize.  The more Snuggles you make, the more chances you have to win!  Note:  To be eligible to win, participants must be members of KANG, as well as be present at the time of the drawing.