Tag: Meeting

Knitting in Kingwood (KIK)

NEW Location!

Come sit and knit (or crochet) with us!

Bring any finished objects or WIP for show and share.

If you are stuck or need advice, we can work on that too.

We will also be starting our discussion of tech in knitting, ultimately to include use of Ravelry, Knit Companion and other online tools and apps.

CHH Spinners

The Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10-12 am, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.
Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor.

If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild.
Occasionally meeting schedules will vary, so please check the CHH website calendar before heading out. For this and other information, see http://www.weavehouston.org/

Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)

The subject for our August meeting is going to be favorite go to knitting tools.

We will also discuss our most unusual tool and what tool was a miss (thought it was a great idea but…).

Knitters Night in Town (KNIT)

Since our July meeting was canceled — we opted for a redo!

And it is still hot enough to:


Join us as we think about making new and fun holiday gifts and decorations.

Bring along knitted or crocheted items or photos to show off your favorites and warn us off the “this was too much aggravation” projects!

We are excited to see what everyone has to offer!!

Of course we love to see any WIPs or help out with any problem knitting if we can.

Don’t forget to bring your charity items.

Saturday Cypress Knitters (SoCK)

August’s meeting is the program we had planned in July that was interrupted by Hurricane Beryl.

It is a combination of a sit & knit and planning our next year’s programs.
We’ll ask volunteers to claim a particular month.
We don’t need you to know exactly what your program will be, just volunteer for a time slot.
We’ll do the same thing for Door Prize volunteers.

After that, we’ll show and share finished projects and have a relaxing time just sitting and knitting (or crocheting). Please come be part of this!

CHH Spinners

The Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor.

If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild. Occasionally meeting schedules will vary, so please check the CHH website calendar before heading out. For this and other information, see http://www.weavehouston.org/


The Handover Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 27th at 8:30a-11:30a at the Trini Mendenhall Community Center!

Meeting is intended for all outgoing and incoming members of the Executive Board and the Chapter Presidents. Membership persons from the chapter level also welcome.

Please bring your green KANG binder for the handover meeting!!

Refreshments will be provided.

Knitters Night Out West (KNOW)

The KNOW chapter will be having a summer break with a sit & knit/crochet.
Join us for some friendly conversation and work on your current WIP.

Many members often come early to have dinner and show support for the restaurant and their generosity in letting us meet there.

Guild members and visitors are welcome to join us!

Knitting in the Daytime (KIND)

NOTE: Change of location for June and July! Meetings will be in the Fonteno Center, 6600 Bissonnet (about 2 blocks west of our usual location)

Karen Fern will teach us the Norwegian purl!
This is a fascinating and – to many knitters- unusual way to purl that some say is faster and easier on the hands than how most of us have learned.
Bring yarn and appropriate needles so you can try it and see!

CHH Spinners

The Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) hosts spin-ins twice a month, the first Saturday of each month from 10-12 am, and the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Both are held at the CHH Guild House, 1425 Blalock, 2nd floor. If you are a spinner, bring your wheel, drop spindle or e-spinner and check out our group and the guild. Occasionally meeting schedules will vary, so please check the CHH website calendar before heading out. For this and other information, see http://www.weavehouston.org/