Our annual KNOW Holiday Party will be held on Monday, December 10, 2018, from 6:30-8:30 pm at Spring Creek Barbecue (northwest corner of I-10 and Westgreen) in Katy. We will play a funny game where everyone wins a prize, sample delicious holiday cookies courtesy of our KNOW board of officers, and save plenty of time for knitting and visiting with friends. If you’d like to participate in the (optional) gift exchange, bring a wrapped, unlabeled knitting notion valued at around $15 with you to the meeting. Everyone is welcome!
Tag: Party
KIK Mtg – Holiday Party
Holiday Party! Please bring something yummy to share for everyone to eat and join us for the party! A gift exchange will happen so if you’d like to participate please bring a yarn/fiber/knitting related gift. Keep gift amount under $15.
KNIT Mtg – Holiday Potluck
Our famous Potluck Christmas Get Together!!
SoCK Mtg – Holiday Party @ WC Mercantile
It’s time for our annual holiday party at WC Mercantile! We will have a catered brunch provided by our very own Brandy Graessar. Activities will include shopping, stitch marker swapping, and a gift swap/steal game. For the stitch marker exchange, bring 25-30 stitch markers to swap.
For the Gift Swap/Steal Game, bring a wrapped knitting book that if bought brand new
would be worth $20 – $30. But feel free to bring a gently used book that you found at Half-Price Books or that’s been languishing on your book shelf.
Participation in the stitch marker exchange and the Gift Swap/Steal Game is not required.
Carpool Information
We will meet at the Starbucks at Spring Cypress and Highway 290, in front of the Best Buy. All those who want to carpool, meet there before 9:00 a.m. We will then condense into a smaller number of cars. If you want coffee, arrive early to make sure you have plenty of time before the carpool leaves.

KNOW Mtg – Holiday Party
Please plan to join us for a festive, fun-filled evening of seasonal games, terrific prizes, and a luscious dessert at KNOW’s annual Holiday Party. Be sure to bring a gift-wrapped, like-new, non-acrylic skein of yarn if you’d like to participate in Santa’s One-Skein Swap and go home with a new ball of yarn! Arrive early for dinner if you like. Everyone is welcome.

KNOW Mtg – Holiday Party
Please join us in celebrating the Holiday season! We will be having our annual yarn gift exchange. Please bring a skein of yarn worth approximately $25 if you would like to participate. There will be holiday treats and we will have a fun swap. It is not required to participate in the swap to attend the meeting.

KNOT Mtg – Holiday Potluck

KIK Mtg – Christmas Potluck

CHIX Mtg – Christmas Gathering
You are invited to come to the Chix with Sticks annual Christmas gathering. You may bring some “Good Eats” to share. We are also having a gift exchange valued from ten to fifteen dollars and be crochet or knit related. Hoping to see everyone there.