Tag: program

SoCK Meeting – Shawl KAL

Join SoCK in our shawl KAL.  Choose a pattern, your colorway, bring your yarn and needles and let’s begin.  The pattern choices are:  Antarktis by Janina Kallio, available for purchase on Ravelry  OR  Diffusion by Tetiana Otruta, a free pattern available from Knitpicks.  Both are asymmetric triangular shawls.   
Antarktis Shawl
Diffusion Shawl
Antarktis alternates garter stitch and lace sections.  You could use one colorway or alternate the sections in different colors, or blend two colors.  Diffusion is worked sideways in garter stitch with simple lace.  This shawl could use as many as five colors, two colors,  on just one.  It’s your choice!  This is an excellent opportunity to dig into your stash and be creative.   
A yarn swift and ball winder will be available if you need help getting started.  Looking forward to seeing everyone’s choices.   

KNOW Meeting – Valentines for Peyton Heart Project

Get ready, Valentines!  On Monday, February 25, 2019, the KNOW chapter will host a Benefit for the Peyton Heart Project.  We will be knitting and crocheting colorful hearts as part of a worldwide mission to bring awareness to the issues of teen suicide and bullying, to show people that their lives are worth living, and that every life matters.  We will be adding special tags to our hearts identifying them as part of the Project. The hearts may then be scattered at large in your community or be part of our chapter donation to the Peyton Heart Project here in Texas.

Bring scraps of worsted-weight yarn in cheerful colors (no angora or mohair) along with your choice of knitting needles (both straight and circular) and/or crochet hooks. We will provide more information about the project; patterns for both knitted and crocheted hearts; tags to attach to your heart(s); and a delicious, heart-y dessert. In addition, a grand prize will be awarded to the person who completes the most hearts during the meeting!  Please plan to join your friends for an evening of knitting, crocheting, and becoming part of this important effort to increase self-esteem among our youth.  

KNIT Meeting – Imagine YOU are a lifelong knitting project

Imagine YOU are a lifelong knitting project

Bring your curiosity, your imagination, your aches and pains as well as your passion for the craft. We will discuss how to troubleshoot pain or injury that may be caused by your greatest creative outlet. We will explore and explain simple, straightforward ways in which you can balance your structure to continue to enjoy your craft without causing damage to the body.

Joyce Yost Ulrich is the owner of Pilates Treehouse, located in the Houston Heights. She is faculty for the Centre for Spatial Medicine as well as The Rossiter System. She uses Pilates, Yamuna Body Rolling and Rossiter to help others feel better, move better and continue to do what it is that they love.”

KIK Meeting – One-color Brioche

Our KIK Chapter meeting will be Saturday, February 16th from 10:00 to 12:00 at the Kingwood Medical Center, in the Kingwood Room.  We are very fortunate to have Elizabeth Spies as our instructor, teaching us Brioche using one color.  Supplies needed are 2 skeins of worsted weight yarn in a light, solid color and knitting needles 1 to 2 sizes smaller than would be used for that weight yarn.  I am looking forward to the class.  Hope to see you there.

SoCK Meeting

Saturday Cypress Knitters meet on the second Saturday of the month at 10 am at the Richard and Meg Weekley Community Center, 8440 Greenhouse Rd, Cypress, TX 77433.  Please see the schedule in the front of the community center for the room number.  

CHIX Meeting – Finger Knitting

The Chix with Stix January program will be on finger knitting.  This is a fun way to  knit, it goes quickly, and no needles are needed!  Bring a friend to learn this easy technique and get them started knitting.  There’s no advance preparation.  Just bring worsted weight yarn in 2-3 complementary colors, scissors, and a measuring tape.

KNOW Meeting – Decorative Cast-on Techniques

At our KNOW meeting on January 28, well-known Katy artist and knitting instructor Sony Hartley will present her program which was originally scheduled for October. During the program, “Decorative Cast-on Techniques,” Sony will teach three different ways to cast on a knitting project:  The I-cord Cast-on, Picot Cast-on, and Flower Cast-on.  In order to participate, bring worsted-weight yarn, any type of knitting needles size 8-10, and a crochet hook size C or smaller. Sony will supply beads and flowers for our use.  Please plan to attend what promises to be a fun and interesting program. 

KNIT Meeting – Mad about mitered squares

Jan Clark will take us through the techniques needed to make a mitered square project!  Bring assorted colors of scrap yarn, a safety pin to mark your “right side” and appropriate size needles.  Jan used sock yarn for her project.  We will work through picking up stitches and double decreases. And we will discuss different mitered square projects to spark your imagination.  Join us in the new year with mitered squares.