SoCK Meeting – 10K Knitters Challenge


Join the 10K New Knitters challenge!  Bring a new knitter to our meeting or come learn how you can teach a new knitter how to knit.  The event is on November 10.  Local Yarns stores participating are: Nancy Knits, Nimblefingers and Yarn Store Boutique, The website for this event is: 10000newknitters.com.

Doris at Yarn Store Boutique will have the 10K New Knitters challenge kits for you to pick up.   

Sock would like to use the button maker. Please let me know who has it and how we may get it to make buttons.  I may be reached at knitatknightguildsock@gmail.com 

SoCK Meeting – Button Design

Join SoCK to design a button.  Jenny Quattlebaum will be working with us to design a button for our chapter.  Bring your ideas for the words and help choose a design for the button.  If you have started a Pre-K Hat, bring it to continue working on it.  Please save the date Saturday, October 6th for our next Charity Knit-In.  SoCK will be planning this event.   Also bring your current project for Show and Share.

SoCK Meeting – Planning meeting

Come share where you have been this summer.  Welcome to all our new members, and a call out to our SoCK membership – it’s time to plan the next year of programs!  Bring your ideas and help plan.  Also please bring a kitchen scale to weigh yarn, left-over acrylic soft yarn, size six and seven dpns or circular needles.  Bring what you have, but no worries if you don’t have any of these things.  We will be working on the Pre-K Headstart Hats.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

SoCK Meeting – Post Fiber Fest Show & Share

Post Houston Fiber Fest Giant Show & Share and One Skein Pattern Exchange
We all bought stuff at Houston Fiber Fest and we want to show it off (and we all want to see what you bought).  Bring your goodies for a giant show & share.   This will then be followed by a one skein pattern exchange, because we have that one skein of fabulous yarn we had to have and now have no idea what to do with it.  So bring your favorite one skein patterns (all sizes of yarn are welcome) to discuss and share.

SoCK Meeting – Joining Yarn

Description:Most of us have a favorite way to join yarns when adding a new ball of yarn or changing colors in a project.  The program on joining yarns will present five methods of joining yarn: overlapping yarn; felted splice; double knot; Russian join; invisible braided join.  You will learn some advantages and disadvantages of each method and types of yarn required.  


Please bring 10 lengths of yarn, each about 8 inches long.  At least two pairs should be plied, worsted weight, wool yarn. Other pairs may be synthetic plant or animal fibers. A sharp tapestry needle.

Additional Materials: On the KANG website under “members” you will find a drop-down menu that includes Handouts for each chapter. Please copy the first page of the handout on joining. The second page on the Clasp and Weft join in B & W is not very clean. People who would like to try that method using in weaving can download it for themselves from the website.

SoCK Meeting – Independence Fiber Mill

Did you know that there is a fiber mill just 90 minutes from Cypress?  There is!  Come tour one of the few fiber mills in Texas and learn how commercial yarn is spun, from fleece to final product.  And it being spring, there just may be baby goats that need some cuddling.  The tour includes both the mill and the dye shed (and the baby goats) and an opportunity to purchase yarn spun by the mill. 

All those wishing to carpool to Independence Farmstead Fiber Mill should meet at the Starbucks at 25615 Hwy 290 in Cypress by 8:30 am.  The drive to the mill is approximately 1 hour.  RSVP is not necessary but if you would like to RSVP, here is the FB link to the carpooling information. 


SoCK Mtg – Spinning on Spindles & Wheels

Spinning on Spindles & Wheels.  Now that you’ve learned all about wool, learn to spin it!  Jessica Myers and Cadence Myers will teach you how to spin on a spindle and on a spinning wheel. If you have a spindle or wheel, feel free to bring it.

SoCK Mtg – Get the wool truth! (Part 3)

Get the wool truth! SoCK will gather for the final program in our series dedicated to understanding different fiber types and the best use for each type of wool. Knit while you watch and jot down things you’ve learned for future reference! If you haven’t joined us for the first two programs, don’t fret! You’re still welcome to attend and join us for this final session.

SoCK Mtg – Get the wool truth! (Part 2)

Get the wool truth! SoCK will gather for the second (of three) Craftsy class viewing that will help you get a nuanced understanding of different fiber types and the best use for each type of wool. Knit while you watch and jot down things you’ve learned for future reference!If you didn’t join us for the first two viewings, don’t fret! You’re still welcome to attend and pick up where we are in the series!

SoCK Mtg – Get the wool truth! (Part 1)

Get the wool truth! SoCK will gather for the first (of three) Craftsy class viewing that will help you get a nuanced understanding of different fiber types and the best use for each type of wool. Knit while you watch and jot down things you’ve learned for future reference!